Turn your audio into a podcast with one simple tap. Call someone, let people call in, and capture the conversation.
Want to add audio to your story? These tools will help you create, add and transcribe audio.
Turn your audio into a podcast with one simple tap. Call someone, let people call in, and capture the conversation.
Easy recording tool that will make transcribing easy. This tool saves the interesting moments you highlighted during recording.
Very easy podcast maker. Record, edit and publish your podcast. Also possible to send the audio as a file or share on social media.
Make your own audio guide, combine audio with text and pictures to make a smooth tour guide. Add a quiz to make your guide interactive.
Place audio into your webtext without any code.With just some coding you can change the audio lay-out. Only works with Soundcloud and mp3.
An online tool to make transcribing your audio and video less of a hassle. Splitscreen your audio and type-field. No more switching screens.